Saturday, April 11, 2009

finally on twitter!

i realized its a good way to get noticed so eh y not rite?? follow me on it,

here's my latest video, take a look people!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Who Am I?

So its been a while since i've been here and i got alot on my usual.
did you ever think you needed something or someone so bad and you wonder why you cant have it only to later realize that its been right in front of you the whole time? Did you ever wonder how to mend your broken heart to only realize that it was never broken? Did you ever want to be the center of attention then come to see that you anti-social? These are the questions that keep me up at night ladies and gentlemen. No one really knows what they want until they take a look in the mirror and figure out who they are. Can you actually tell yourself you know who you are as a person? I have grown so much over these last 2 years and i see now that once your good with yourself in your own mind that no one can touch you. You can dance in the middle of an inferno and not get burned. Hold your head under water and not drown. Stab yourself in the heart and not die. If you really want something, look in yourself for it....

sidebar: is anyone else ADDICTED to ihop or is it just me?

That may be all for now, till next time readers...


Monday, January 12, 2009

Flop on Who??

ok so this blog is about those unreliable floppers, the ones you make plans with and then they call u 10 minutes before your supposed to meet up and say that they're not gonna make it.

why even say your gonna do something if you know you wont? that makes you look bad and makes people not wanna do shit with you.

like seriously, thas like planning a vacation with someone then having them call you while your at the airport like " yo i'm not gonna be able to make it, my cat is throwing up so i gotta stay home, maybe next year..."
( kudos to Maya for that insight )

Sidebar: You ever seen someone so ugly they made ur legs hurt and ur knees weak? Like you looked em in the face and was like damn i gotta sit down for this...

Back to business : The topic of floppers brings me to the next subject...
Its no longer "cuffin season" ladies and gentlemen, it is now officially Cutting Season!

All fake people, people who only talk to u when they need something and never are there for you when you need them, the ones who hit you up once every 3 months just to keep u around, the ones who have no time for you but expect you to have time for them... its time for them to go!


till next time readers
PaNiC! BOOM! Silence

Monday, January 5, 2009

Love Live Laugh

ok so i'm taking some time out from my normal bullshit to talk about sumthin real, lets discuss love ladies and gents.
i would love to know why girls always claim to not be able to find the right guy when he's right in front of them?
i hate taking this tone but dammit things have to be said, i simply believe people in general take things for granted.
i kno so many people who found the one they were looking for and let then get away

Sidebar : Do all superheroes have the same tailor?

Back to business:
people need to start focusing on what they have and be grateful for who they have
even i have let good girls go bad a few times but eventually u grown up and open your eyes, no i'm stuck here wondering when the rest of the world is gonna grow up too.

It just leaves me wondering, is love meant for everyone?

Till next time readers
PaNiC! BOOM! Silence...