Thursday, December 4, 2008


ok so this is the first edition of the PaNiC! Blog, welcome to you all, now straight to business>>>

First of all let me tell you the three dumbest questions you can ask someone who recently got a tattoo...

1. "Did it hurt?" ( Of course it hurt you idiot, someone just put a needle in my skin and drew on me like a piece of notebook paper! )

2. "What did your parents say?" ( Who cares!!! What are they gonna tell me, take it off? )

3. " I was thinking about getting one, what do you think i should get?" ( How about "Stupid" written backwards on your forehead? That way whenever you look in the mirror you will know your a fool for asking someone else what you should put on YOUR body )

Serious note:
Just heard that one of the teachers in my highschool has been accused of molestation... ( good thing i graduated )
The whole situation kinda makes me wonder, is that why he put his phone number at the bottom of my old test papers when he gave them back? ( JUST KIDDING! )

Now when people ask me about highschool i'll just say " I didn't go to Naz, I went to Canarsie."

lol till next time readers

PaNiC! BOOM! Silence...

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